March 2018 News & Updates

Last month I mentioned that I had been looking at community as a verb and what that would look like.  This month the team and I are taking that a step further. Over the coming month you will see some exciting new developments in making the word community a verb and how that ties into our vision and mission:

We want to help you to…

Establish Connections… We want to make it easy for the whole 3P community to connect with each other.  In April, stay tuned for a new website with some unique new features that will allow us to do that. You will be able to be a part of the 3 Principles community, not as a “practitioner” but as a fellow human being who has seen something about the way we all function.  You will be able to learn about other fellow beings who have seen something looking in this direction as well. You will be able to CONNECT with each other and LEARN from each other and with each other as you go about your lives.

Find Support… The new website will include the launch of new virtual GROUPS that allow us to SUPPORT each other. Having difficulty expressing what has touched you about the Principles? Practice with someone who is working on the same thing in one of our community groups.  Looking for something more personal? Find a local LIVE GROUP near you and take part, or start a new one with people you find are in your area. Are you in RECOVERY and looking for a way to continue living and loving in your own communities with the SUPPORT of others who understand recovery and how life works from the inside out? Our Collaborative Associate Patty Tanji will be starting a weekly online Zoom support group to address those needs in April.

Network… Have you always wanted to share this understanding in a certain community, like in prisons or with your local police department?  MEET others who have been there and done that. LEARN what went right and what could have been done better when they did it. Get to know those with REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE without spending money or traveling to conferences, and CONNECT on your time.

Learn… New programs and projects will be coming soon, including…

  • Master Coach Molly Gordon will be leading a focus group to find out where you are having trouble sharing the Principles among friends, family, and others in your community to further direct our programming.
  • Three Principles Facilitator Amir Karkouti will be doing a webinar on People before Principles and how to get out of the way and let the feeling do the work.

Have Fun… Our monthly calls are changing, too.  We want you to LIGHTEN UP and enjoy life and the Principles, so starting in April, Judy Sedgeman will be hosting IN THE MOMENT calls. We are looking for sponsors to support this program so that people can attend for free and enjoy an hour with a long-time practitioner talking about life and the things that happen “in the form” without losing sight of the bigger formlessness that this understanding points to.

Our official launch party will be a 12-hour affair full of fun and laughter – stay tuned to see what we have up our sleeve!

Be Inspired… We are launching two new video series to share people’s stories, to inspire people to look in a new direction, and to share what they see. It is our hope that hearing and sharing these stories will allow you to see how much you have to share with the world from right where you are.

  • Bloom Where You are Planted will showcase people who have shared the gift of the Principles with others, not from the front of the room but from standing beside them while going about their everyday lives as a parent, a friend, a co worker.  (If you have a story to share and want to schedule a time to record it with us – email us here.)
  • What I Know for Sure will take us back to what we each have seen as a result of learning about the Principles.  Sometimes these insights might seem so small – “I make better decisions when I am settled down” – but imagine the ramifications if everyone saw what you have seen!  This is an opportunity to share things in your own words of how the Principles have brought insights that changed YOUR WORLD and have the potential to change THE WORLD.

As a newsletter subscriber you will get a “SNEAK PEEK” before the official launch, and you will be able to become early adopters and be the first to join the community.  Please watch your email and add to your approved sender list to make sure our emails go directly to your inbox!

I look forward to connecting, networking with you, supporting you, learning with you, having fun with you and being inspired by you.

Terri Alamo
Executive Director

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