
3P Based Nonprofits & Community Organizations

One Solution is a nonprofit organization who believes there is a simple solution to many of the world’s most challenging and persistent problems. The solution is an understanding that all global challenges originate in the human mind and can be directly addressed in teh human mind. They are currently involved in grassroots on the ground project in Chicago, Palestine and Israel and work in partnership with projects in Florida and Sweden.

The Cypress Initiative is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate human potential and resilience through an understanding of the mind. They support the community through education, mentoring and coaching. Their prmary focus is supporting and educating youth through their SPARK Mentoring Curricula. They provide free support to anyone under the age of 18 and they lead a weekly support group at a local safe house for survivors of sex trafficking.

The Three Principles Global Community (3PGC) is a nonprofit organization that is committed to bringing an understanding of The Three Principles* to people throughout the world. Our mission is to increase the number of people who are teaching, sharing and learning The Principles, and to enhance and facilitate professional collaboration in this field.

The Real Change portal showcases a body of work that is leading a global shift in wellbeing – one human story at a time. They share stories and statistics of real change that illuminate the source of our human experience and answer the question: What exactly is it that generates real change?

“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.”

 – Sydney Banks

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