Diversity focus group
Hosted by Audre Garcia-Grice
My name is Audre Garcia-Grice. As an Educator, Diversity Scholar, and Literary Artist, I’ve been studying the 3 Principles for the past 7 years.
I am facilitating an ongoing online videoconferencing “Diversity Focus Group” as my Project with CSC to provide an opportunity to collectively address concerns about diversity within the 3P community.
At the first meeting on October 6th 2017, participants briefly shared, and listened to identify related issues.
Based on the outcomes of this conference, there will be a series of live online discussions, to be announced.
Possible topics for future discussions may include but are not limited to:
- Defining/strengthening diversity
- words that describe ethnicity, culture, race
- self-identity
- how language can unite or divide
- deep listening
- prejudice, racism
- white privilege
- talking about controversial issues
- …and more
Suggested Resource Materials:
- Three Principles by Sydney Banks (1 min 41 secs):
https://youtu.be/0467yPRpbBw - Sydney Banks’ Letter to Oprah Winfrey (6 mins 29 secs):
“Forget the past and the future, and just be, and you will surely be rewarded by living in the now“
– Sydney Banks