May 2018 News & Updates
So many of you have heard it is ALL ABOUT THE FEELING – well let me tell you we are on top of that!  As a recent webinar attendee said ” The feeling was off the charts, the depth of love in this community never ceases to amaze me”. May is all about that LOVE!
Each month the CSC Board of Directors get together, and each board meeting is started with sharing from each person present and then a “grounding” which ranges from a personal story, a passage from The Missing Link, a Dr Seuss rhyme, a song lyric or a poem. Often times you hear about all that people are appreciating in their lives. Sometimes someone has a challenging month and they share that- quite frequently we hear – well I wasn’t feeling all that great but I knew when I saw all of you I would forget about that. The reason for that is there is love in every meeting. The board genuinely cares for each other. It is palpable. I can’t imagine this is typical of Board meetings in general but I must say it is typical for this one!
One of our Board members, Gretchen Blais has been a shining example of the love and blessings that seem to flow into our lives after we begin to understand how life works. Gretchen has spent many months of board meetings relating to us how she was doing handling the role of caretaker for the love of her life, George Chan as he finished the remaining days of his life. Each month she would come on and express how grateful she was that she had more days to love him. She found joy in the care-taking tasks whether it was folding laundry or making meals. She inspired us all to look at the things we do in our everyday lives differently. Little things done with great love started seeping into our lives. Gretchen’s love, George Chen transitioned April 2nd. You can read what she wrote about it in her blog post.
Gretchen loved George and she shared that love with us and now we share it with you. Life with the Three Principles still includes sickness and death, but it allows us to see the beauty in those things as well.
On Tuesdays, Our Collaborative Associate Patty Tanji has been hosting calls for community members in recovery. As we have sat in, we have seen that human beings who love and accept each other can support each other through anything.
On Thursdays, Judy Sedgeman has been hosting In the Moment calls. Many times the calls have dropped into a beautiful feeling that people take with them the rest of the day. We joke about the “makeover” that some of us feel we’ve had after these calls. If you haven’t had the pleasure of taking part yet – please join us!
On May 15th, Amir Karkouti hosting a webinar entitled People Before Principles, The feeling on this call was absolutely gorgeous! People were shedding tears at the beauty in it!  The quote I used at the beginning of this letter is describing this call. If you’d like to listen – the recording is now available here.
On May 20th we will be sharing more love with you in the form of a celebration. The last few months I have shared that we were launching our new website and would be sharing peoples videos about What They Know for Sure. This coming Sunday we will be releasing more of these videos and recording some live on a 12 hour Zoom celebration. We have been so touched by the generosity of the community in joining in our celebration – we have had over a dozen coaches offer coaching sessions as give-aways, many people recording videos ahead of time and people signing up to share their insights with us live at the party! We will spend that day as a community, much like our board does, in a feeling of appreciation for what we have seen, what others have seen and how it impacts our lives and the world around us. Though we are live from 8am – 8 pm ET on Zoom – feel free to pop in and out throughout the day to listen to insights, see old photos, share love, win prizes and celebrate the Principles that Syd shared with us all. Remember to RSVP to get the zoom link.
I look forward to seeing you!
Terri Alamo
Executive Director