What stops you from sharing the principles?

Presented by Molly Gordon

In his book study notes for Modello, Dr. Jack Pransky identifies four ideas that he sees as essential to the impact of Dr. Roger Mills’s work:

  1. Everyone already has the wisdom to know what is best for them,
  2. If you truly listen to another; they will eventually listen to themselves.
  3. Every person is doing the best they know how given the thoughts they have.
  4. If a person is feeling bad, the best for them is to realize it is just a low mood that will pass, and know it is best not to act at those times.

Many of us have seen in our own lives and in the stories of projects such as Modello the transformative impact of these key ideas. At the same time, many of us have noticed that sometimes we are not as effective as we would like in sharing or catalyzing insight.

What’s up with that?

On April 27th, 2018, I am facilitating a pop-up focus group to surface the questions, challenges, and opportunities related to sharing the Principles with our friends family and in our communities.

What is stopping us? And what can be done about it? Can skills and techniques be helpful? How does wisdom in the moment speak?

What is it that you want to learn about engaging with the infinite, formless intelligence and energy of life in the service of greater peace, justice, and wellbeing in the world of form?

This will be a free-wheeling, open forum. Bring your questions and let’s see what we can create together to help others.

April 27th 2018

2pm ET / 10am PT / 3pm UK

Registration Instructions


1. Modello Book Study Notes, by Jack Pransky

2. Watch the following videos:


Molly Gordon

Master Certified Coach

I’m a coach, coach trainer, and student of Life, the Universe, and Everything. My aim is to increase awareness of and access to love, light, and joy for all beings. I’m experimenting in the Gift Economy/Gift Ecology space and exploring old and new ways to do business that support wellbeing for all.


April 27th 2018

2pm ET / 10am PT / 3pm UK

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